Monday, December 21, 2009

FedEx is lost.

I've been tracking a package for my son for one of his Christmas presents - mind you, it's a pretty awesome one, too.. and one that I absolutely MUST have before Christmas Day - and I check online tonight to find this update:

"Unable to locate address - Street name"

Wow. Seriously, FedEx???? SERIOUSLY?!?!?!? You couldn't even find the FUCKING STREET?!?!?!? I don't really know what to say to that. If a pimple-faced teenager driving for Domino's or Pizza Hut can find where I live, SURELY FEDEX CAN!!!!!!! W.T.F.?!?!?

I am beyond pissed off right now. I worked my entire day around being home as much as possible because it said it was scheduled for delivery today.... AND, on my way back from picking up my kids at around 5:40 - I passed a damn FEDEX truck!!!! AAAAAAAARGH! I bet it was on there....

So, now I just got off the phone with a customer service rep for FedEx and I had to give her...

...wait for it...

yep - I had to give her DIRECTIONS.



FedEx needed directions to find my damn house.



...and I thought the USPS was bad.

You dumbasses better actually find my house tomorrow, FedEx...

...and I swear, I will never again allow anything to be shipped to me via FedEx.

FedEx - "The World On Time" -- Oh, really???

Quick trivia question FedEx!

Which planet is Earth?

A. The second one from the sun

B. The third one from the sun

C. The fourth one from the sun

D. I don't know - Can you give me directions?